I was once where you are. We're both out now. Take it slow and I second the recommendation to read Steve Hassan's books. It's like walking through a minefield, you need to learn how to navigate the hidden defense mechanisms in the JW mind before you attempt to reach him. You don't want to blow your marriage up.
Mickey mouse
JoinedPosts by Mickey mouse
How do I tell my husband?
by dissonance_resolved ini'm a born in, baptized as a young teenager, whole family is jw.
i just recently woke up after the new understanding of the fds was announced and it seemed to me to smack of power-grabbing.
i started looking at all the websites we're not supposed to, and now i know why.
Distrust and paranoia among faders
by cedars inhi guys.
i'm interested in knowing whether any other faders out there ever find themselves feeling a little paranoid about establishing contact with other faders or former jws, just in case the unthinkable happens and things turn sour.. personally, i'm now fairly comfortable with the idea that i will be disfellowshipped or disassociated within the next year or so.
i see it as inevitable, and an essential transition in order to do what i want to do with my life.
Mickey mouse
BTW, I sent you a PM.
Distrust and paranoia among faders
by cedars inhi guys.
i'm interested in knowing whether any other faders out there ever find themselves feeling a little paranoid about establishing contact with other faders or former jws, just in case the unthinkable happens and things turn sour.. personally, i'm now fairly comfortable with the idea that i will be disfellowshipped or disassociated within the next year or so.
i see it as inevitable, and an essential transition in order to do what i want to do with my life.
Mickey mouse
Yes I did feel that way for a while. It's an anxiety which lessens the longer you are out of the JW scene.
Remember, remember a poster called V...just spoke with him
by besty inall is well in v world - a lot less wwwwwatchtower,.
thought some of you may like to know he is still alive and thriving!.
good health v - you helped a lot of people...and still do.... http://www.youtube.com/user/wtcomments.
Mickey mouse
I am glad to hear all is well with V. Thanks for the update.
Hubby and Wifey saying Hi
by free and happy inso where do you start?.
i've been reading peoples experiences for several months now trying to figure out what i want to say but how do you put your whole life into a few words?.
i was a born in but have been happy and free for 5 years and luckily for me my husband felt the same way and we have freed our children from being brainwashed.
Mickey mouse
Welcome from another UK member. Thanks for sharing your stories.
Were you popular in your congregation or district?
by Emery innot to start some form of popularity contests here but i was wondering how popular some people were?
how far did your network go in this organization?
this question also pertains to those who are actively fading..
Mickey mouse
I merely lived in the reflected glory of my presiding overseer Dad.
I didn't know my first name was Paul until recently. I always thought I was ''XXXXXX's Son!''
Oh yes, this for me too! I was X's daughter.
First post / 1914 info
by whichway2go inmy first post here after about 6 months of lurking.
i will comment more and give some more info later, but i am still active, and looking for my way to exit.
i had a question that i'm hoping someone can help with.
Mickey mouse
It was in an appendix, perhaps in one of the Isaiah books. I don't have mine anymore.
The "Pop-In"
by Mr. Falcon inso last night the wife is working, the kids are getting ready for bed and i'm watching futurama.
doorbell rings.
now it's dark, snowing and i live on a back road, so it's very odd to have a visitor.
Mickey mouse
Given they have no concept of social norms it's not surprising. They think they are entitled to know what's in your head and what you do in your bed, really popping in unannounced is nothing in comparison.
Newbie alert
by Braehead innice to meet you all.
long time lurker, but now i can get my twopenneth in.. a brief history.. born into the religion, but it never really took hold - thankful for an easily bored mind and strong, worldly grandparents.. never very interested - dragged from meeting to field service.
in the teenage years i wanted university and my parents want a pioneer.
Mickey mouse
List of UK Travelling Overseers in 2013
by soiledumpling inhi pepeep am attempting to get a current list of uk travelling overseers.
left 4 years ago and have heard rumours of many new ones.
Mickey mouse
In case anyone misses this, Tim has posted a complete list from 2006 here http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/244582/1/Bethels-Official-List-of-UK-COs-and-DOs-in-2006